NSW Solar Rally D-Day

Residents and Small Businesses of NSW,

We at the Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES) fought strongly last Friday at the NSW Solar Summit for an immediate confirmation from the NSW Government that they would:

Honour the 300MW cap for the NSW Solar Bonus Scheme Honour any solar installations that have approval to connect to the grid in NSW Announce an immediate 1:1 net feed in tariff while they sort out their longer term solar policy

Our motivation was to:

Protect our industry; Protect our customers and consumers; and Promote a sustainable solar industry within this state

We left the summit hopeful that the message promoted by us and others was understood.

Unfortunately, and despite our best efforts, the NSW Government still hasn’t announced their position.

They don’t understand the urgency of this situation.

The massive uncertainty they are creating will cost jobs and financial hardship for tens of thousands of people in NSW.

There are 100’s of small business at risk of collapse, and we must demand that the NSW Government responds rather than abandons its constituents.

So, it is time for action.

AuSES is going to again step up a major public campaign in NSW, this time to force the government to bring forward the announcements that we desperately need.

The campaign will:

Put a human face on the cost of this decision, both for solar companies and for customers left in the dark. Outline possible legal action that can be taken because there has not been due process in this instance. Harness the 20,000 plus stranded New South Welshmen and their households.

Like our last campaign last year in NSW, this campaign will be made up of several layers including, a mass media campaign and an online campaign.

The campaign will again culminate in a mass rally next Tuesday the 17th of May at 11:30am, unless the NSW Government makes a positive announcement before that date.

This is about small businesses as well as Mum’s and Dad’s, and we need everybody to turn up at the rally.

It is important that everybody in NSW who cares about solar energy comes along, and it is not left to a few to do the hard work.

We are again seeking your support to fund this vital campaign.

We need:

Primary sponsors ($1,500) Secondary sponsors ($500) Associate companies ($200 donation) Supporters ($50 donation) Sponsorships and donations can be made to the following account:

Account Name: AuSES BSB: 032-044 Account No: 713041

Official receipts will be issued.

As corporate supporters of this campaign, we will acknowledge your support in printed material and on the AuSES website. Sponsors may also care to distribute their own flyers at the event.

This campaign is about standing up for your industry, your company and your community. The event is clearly in your own corporate interest.

We now need more than urgent pledges of support. We also need you to enlist your customers into the fight. I will send more information shortly on how to best do this.

Combined we have a substantial voice – let’s make sure we are heard!


John Grimes | Chief Executive | Australian Solar Energy Society

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