Talaria Sting

Talaria Sting

The Talaria STING electric dirt bike- now available at RPC.

Hi it’s the RPC brains trust- and today we’re talking to you about our newest product, the Talaria Electric Dirt Bike.

The Talaria is our pick of the bunch here at RPC and is the one we have just started stocking. Price? $6150 and selling fast. Speaking of fast, the top speed of the sting is 70km/h and has a range of up to 70km depending on your riding style.

The Talaria Sting, while very similar to the well-known Surron Light Bee, boasts some notable improvements including a larger rear tyre (a common upgrade on the Surron) and an enclosed reduction gearbox over the belt drive reduction, known for collecting mud, sticks and broken belts.

You couldn’t ask for more fun than riding a course or a farm track with your mates of a weekend! These bikes are near silent meaning you won’t be disturbing your neighbours with the sound of a petrol dirt bike at 7:30am on a Sunday morning.

It features a CAD designed new technology light weight frame, making it easy for riders of all shapes and sizes up to 100kgs, and a powerful electric motor faster than some due to its instant torque. This power is transferred through an efficient gear drive whilst operating extremely quietly, yeah you might want to install an app that makes a bike noise so that people can hear you coming- but then again maybe you don’t! The beauty of a bike that doesn’t make a really large growl is you can also talk to your friends while riding- you can hear each other and have a conversation. You also get to see more wildlife as they aren’t frightened by the noise. For adventures with the wife and kids, its compact well-balanced structure is very easy to manoeuvre, and requires minimal maintenance, just don’t crash it on your first day like we did in sheer excitement.

All these features make STING an ideal off-road bike for more people than ever to enjoy the passion and thrill of electric off-road riding adventures. And here is some techy stuff for those interested (otherwise skip to the ENOUGH TECHY STUFF section below).

THE POWER PACK and battery The STING is powered by a notable 60V 38Ah lithium-ion power pack, which is 2280 watt-hours, and easily swappable; to put that into English, you can ride it for the better part of a day without needing a recharge or a battery swap-over. The power packs can be exchanged with another fully charged power pack in seconds for extra range. With highest quality electric automotive grade LG 21700 lithium-ion battery cells and state of the art programmed BMS (battery monitoring system), plus the optimized internal structure, the battery pack is well enabled to make sure the bike is safe, and designed to bring you high performance off-road riding.

The FRAME and weight At 63kG, this cool little beast is light weight but it is no toy, and the parts are sturdy, strong and built to last. The cutting-edge computer engineered frame is pure purpose built, most importantly it is light weight and compact and strong. Using 6061 aluminium alloy, and superior forging process by 6000 tons! of pressure, the frame is qualified to assure you a safe, fun and fearless riding experience through even the toughest bush farm or forest landscapes.

The CONTROLLER With the high-quality hardware, excellent layout, and innovative programming, the controller is enabled to have an extra ability for transient current impact resistance, ultra-strong anti - interference, high-precision EABS voltage and discharge current control, error inspection, high and low temperature protection, anti-runaway, and smart energy regeneration.

The POWERTRAIN The customized combination powertrain design is ideal for the light weight electric MX bike. The high efficiency brushless permanent magnet synchronous mid-drive motor, with top-class magnet material and advanced processing, is available to output 34N.m peak torque, as well as to have 284N.m peak torque to the rear wheel. With quality crafted high accuracy gears, the gearbox runs even quieter and is much more durable than any belt drive systems. It's time to once and for all say farewell to those broken belt concerns.

The DASH The dash has a high-contrast OLED display, providing a clear data display with low power draw. With CAN communication, the dash is capable to have data transfer with the battery pack's BMS and the motor controller. The menu gives a range of info, including top/average speed, range, battery data, riding mode, error codes, regen level and more. The dash is also adjustable to allow different settings for different wheel size, sprocket size, and motor regen levels, and change between kph and mph.

Ok, that is ENOUGH TECHY STUFF. We’re not just spruiking a new product, we really are advocating a new lifestyle choice- complete freedom and fun and powered by the sun.

“When I got my off road bike I couldn’t get the smile off my face for weeks, the thrill every afternoon after work, the jobs made easier on the farm, it’s just an obvious choice for a young rural farmer like me who also cares about the environment and likes to have fun!”

We are very stoked (see what I did there?) to finally have an electric vehicle for sale here at RPC! Don’t be left behind! These bikes get you places and are guaranteed to bring you a powerful, exciting, and safe riding experience, with a respectable range as well (up to 70km at 40kph).

Come on down to check out the Talaria, most people who see it want one for themselves- certainly most of our staff do! The price is reasonable at $6150 and it has a yearlong warranty so you can really go hard on it to test it for 12 months.

Great news for those thinking about getting around town on one, there is a road registerable version coming soon that will be available through RPC. Follow our social media pages for updates!

One note though, Zero emissions from using electric vehicles can only be achieved if cars/bikes are charged 100% from solar- so think about getting a solar system (from the specialists at RPC!) to charge your EV and lifestyle.

Thanks for joining in the convo, catch up for more renewable energy news in the next update!

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