Solar Power Calculator

General System Settings

BatteryVoltage:BatteryLosses:InverterLosses:Pick aLocation:Select aSolar Panel:12V24V48V6%7%8%9%10%11%12%13%14%15%8%9%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%ACT - CanberraNSW - NimbinNSW - SydneyNSW - Wagga WaggaNSW - WilliamtownNT - Alice SpringsNT - DarwinNT - OodnadattaNT - Tennant CreekQLD - BrisbaneQLD - CairnsQLD - LongreachQLD - RockhamptonQLD - TownsvilleSA - Adelaide SA - Mt GambierTAS - HobartTAS - LauncestonVIC - East SaleVIC - LavertonVIC - MelbourneVIC - MilduraWA - AlbanyWA - ForrestWA - GeraldtonWA - Halls CreekWA - KalgoorlieWA - PerthWA - Port HedlandSolaWatt 12V 60WattVictron 12V 80WattVictron 12V 140WattTrina 24V 210Watt

Calculate Your Electrical Load in Amp Hours & Watt HoursApplianceWatts/AmpsPower TypeHours UsedAmp HoursWatt HoursWatts ACAmps ACWatts DCAmps DCDaily TotalSystem SummaryMinimum Number of Required Panelsbased on location and load sheetBattery Sizebased on load sheet with 3 days autonomyBattery Sizebased on load sheet with 5 days autonomyMaximum Continuous Inverter Loadfor 3 day batteryMaximum Continuous Inverter Loadfor 5 day batteryAustralian Solar Radiation FiguresLocationBest Performance(average)Seasonally AdjustedSun Tracking(peak)ACT - CanberraNSW - NimbinNSW - SydneyNSW - Wagga WaggaNSW - WilliamtownNT - Alice SpringsNT - DarwinNT - OodnadattaNT - Tennant CreekQLD - BrisbaneQLD - CairnsQLD - LongreachQLD - RockhamptonQLD - TownsvilleSA - Adelaide SA - Mt GambierTAS - HobartTAS - LauncestonVIC - East SaleVIC - LavertonVIC - MelbourneVIC - MilduraWA - AlbanyWA - ForrestWA - GeraldtonWA - Halls CreekWA - KalgoorlieWA - PerthWA - Port HedlandTiltPeak Sun Hrs / DayTiltPeak Sun Hrs / DaySun Hrs / DayLatitudeLongitudeAngleBest / WorstMonthAngleBest / WorstMonthBest / WorstMonthSelect location and click on the Calculate buttonOutput from One Selected Panel Based On LocationBest Average PerformanceSeasonally AdjustedSun TrackingType of panelAh/dayBestAh/dayWorstAh/dayBestAh/dayWorstAh/dayBestAh/dayWorstSolaWatt 12V 60WattVictron 12V 80WattVictron 12V 140WattTrina 24V 210WattSelect location (above), Type of panel, and click on the Calculate buttonCalculate Quantity of Panels Needed Based on Location, Type of Panel & Amp HoursSolaWatt 12V 60WattVictron 12V 80WattVictron 12V 140WattTrina 24V 210WattBest Average PerformanceSeasonally AdjustedSun TrackingVoltageDailyAmp HoursNumberPanelsBestNumberPanelsWorstNumberPanelsBestNumberPanelsWorstNumberPanelsBestNumberPanelsWorst12V24V48VSelect location (above), Type of panel, and enter Daily amp hours and click on the Calculate button


This Solar System Calculator is provided to help you understand some basic electrical terms & calculations. It can give you an estimate of your total power usage (in either amp hours or watt hours).

However we still urge you to make use of our services to give you a more detailed and accurate assessment of your power usage and what equipment you will require to meet your electrical loads. This calculator is not meant to be used as a total 'power system designer'.

The actual power usage of many appliances can vary considerably from what the compliance label suggests- eg a washing machine rated at 1800 watts may only use 100 watt hours of power per load if the water heating element is not used! Microwave ovens, fridges, computers & home entertainment devices are other examples of equipment where experience is needed to accurately assess the expected watt hours of actual power used.