Solar Incentives & Rebates

Federal Incentives

Since 1st January 2011 Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are called Small-scale Technology Certificates or STCs.

Your solar, wind or hydro system is entitled to a number of STCs. Rainbow Power will offer you an up-front discount when you assign your STCs to us. Most people take this option.

Alternatively, you could create the STCs yourself once your system is installed and sell and transfer them via the REC Registry or through the STC Clearing House. In this case you will not receive a financial benefit for STCs from us.

STCs will be phased out over 15 years, starting in 2017. The value of STCs also fluctuates. Please visit the Clean Energy Regulator website for more information.

Solar Credits

Solar Credits were a mechanism that increased the number of STCs able to be created for eligible small-scale electricity systems (solar PV, wind and hydro) through the use of a multiplier.

The incentive program was closed prematurely on 1 January 2013.

Feed-in Tariff

Unfortunately, Australia does not have a national Feed-in Tariff (FiT).

If you want to compare electricity prices we recommend the Energy Made Easy website from the Australian Energy Regulator.

Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate

Some state governments offer a rebate for pump systems under a Drought Relief Assistance Scheme. The rebate is offered to assist primary producers in a drought-declared area or on an Individually Droughted Property (IDP) with the establishment of water infrastructure to supply water for emergency animal welfare needs. This rebate is not intended as a property development or property management incentive; rather, it is intended to assist primary producers in providing urgently needed water for the welfare of their animals.

The rebate can cover a large percentage of the cost of purchase, delivery and installation of water infrastructure for this purpose (50% in QLD, 25% in NSW). It can be used for the purchase and installation of pipes, tanks, bores, troughs and pumps and can include the delivery costs of the infrastructure. A typical application would be a solar powered submersible bore pump system.


Qld Primary producers should check the link below for more information and advice on their eligibility. Read the guidelines of QLD's EWIR scheme. NSW farmers should check the Rural Assistance Authority website.